“The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers.” 

James Baldwin

  • detail from the work "Transmutation", 2022


    Inner states gradually take shape on paper while drawing. The lines, forms and colors revolve around the invisible and unspeakable within me. At times, words complement this search and poems or essays emerge.

  • film still from the work "Mandragora - Alraune", 2023

    performance and video installation

    Each performance is a journey into the realms of history and at the same time an intense exploration of the present. This trip is not well planned in advance, but free and spontaneous: something unexpected will happen each time I surrender to time and space.

  • traces, 2011


    Photos catch glimpses. It is up to the viewer to either weave what is being seen into a narrative, or to let the picture float freely in the realm of associations. My photographs do not depict reality, but search ways towards its peripheral and neglected areas.